Unleash Your Brand: The Dirty Little Secrets of AI-Automated Work-Flows You Need to Know

Are you ready for a game-changing revelation that will turn your brand's performance and efficiency on its head?

By embracing dynamic flows and cutting-edge AI technology, you can take your business to unprecedented heights. And, when you start automating and connecting these flows, you'll see a skyrocketing impact like never before.

Let's dive into this dirty little secret and transform your brand for good.

A Shift in Mindset

To truly understand the power of flows, you need to shift your mindset. Stop viewing your business as a series of disconnected, static processes.

Instead, see it as a network of interconnected flows—streamlined systems that work together seamlessly to achieve your goals.

And by incorporating AI, you can supercharge these flows to deliver unprecedented results.

Understanding Flows

What's a flow? Simply put, it's a set of actions that are always grouped together. When performed in order, they deliver a specific result.

For instance, here's my content creation flow:

  1. Gather information on topics that interest me.

  2. Distill information into ideas, revamp those ideas to be my own.

  3. Write a long-form piece of content.

  4. Turn that into a thread.

  5. Turn that into individual tweets.

  6. Find correlating topics, turn multiple topics into a video script.

  7. Turn video script into short video scripts.

AI-powered Content Creation

I could use various AI-powered tools to perform multiple steps in this flow. The key is that I remain the curator of ideas and concepts—AI isn't great at that.

Automating Flows

Here's how I would go about automating these flows.

  1. Automate a scrape bot to scrape topics on relevant websites.

  2. Add the scraped data to a Notion database.

  3. Once I've selected relevant topics, change the entry status to "approved."

  4. This triggers the next flow where the entry is turned into a prompt, and GPT-4 writes the content into a blog.

  5. This blog is added as a draft to my CMS.

  6. Once I edit and schedule or publish the post, the next flow is triggered. This automation sends the final blog entry to GPT-4 as a prompt, turning it into all the relevant content types.

  7. Those content types are added to the database.

  8. Once I've edited them and the status is changed to "Approved," the content will either be scheduled or posted to social media.

  9. I'll add another flow for video scripts upon blog post approval.

  10. Again, once I've approved the video script, it'll be turned into scripts for shorts.

Time-Saving Magic

Setting up these automated flows may take me a day, but the time saved in the long run is invaluable—it amounts to weeks of time saved.

My team has created a tool called Vesper AI, she's an AI Marketing assistant and VA.

Check her out here: https://www.brand-cartel.com/vesper-ai

Feel free to DM me on twitter @YannickMyson to get more information.

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